Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1 – health is wealth

Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1 As seen in a video Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1,I will summarize an interview of a lady who has been on a carnivore diet for the last 13 years, and here is what happened to her health issues and overall fitness. Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1

CARNIVORE DIET Kelly Hogans interview part 1
Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1

Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1
Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1, Hello, my dear friends, and welcome back. I’m Dr. Ken Berry, a family physician, and in the next hour I’m going to be chatting with a woman I’ve known for a long time who has been eating only meat for the last 13 years of her life, and it has done some very unusual things to her body, and I’m going to bring her on in just a few minutes.Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1.

 I’d like to warn you that the changes to her body over the last 13 years have been significant, if not terrifying. Other people notice a distinct change and my guest

Kelly Hogan is our guest this evening. we’ve been good friends for quite some time but it is it’s concerning the changes that have happened to her physically and mentally after eating only meat for 13 years. So I’m going to show some before and after photos of Kelly.

You should be able to see her on the screen and how she looks now after 13 years of a carnivore diet.

I see we’ve got a few Kelly Hogan fans in the house, so I’ll have her up and ready to introduce her to you in just a few minutes. 

Many doctors are concerned about this. They’re worried about cancer. They’re worried about heart disease. They’re concerned that red meat might cause diabetes. Many doctors are worried that eating only meat will cause heart disease and

so I wanted to bring this woman who’s been eating only meat for the last 13 years and let you hear her story and see what this unusual diet has done to her and so you may be a little shocked when you see the current state of her health and 

full disclosure here. I don’t want this to be triggering for anybody but these I mean these pictures

are stunning these pictures are uh I’m trying to think of the

appropriate adjective without triggering anybody, The difference between before and after is so great that many doctors would be very

concerned that she’s been eating only meat for 13 years. Please forward this video to anyone who is thinking about going on a low-carb keto-vegetarian carnivore diet. If you know anyone who has type 2 diabetes, a fatty liver, or metabolic syndrome, bring them along.

Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1

Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1

CARNIVORE DIET Kelly Hogans interview part 1
CARNIVORE DIET Kelly Hogans interview part 1

I was expecting Kelly to join us when it arrived, and she came now after we got her set up, and she’ll tell you why she decided to eat only meat and why she started eating some. 

Consider it a very concerning reason why she began eating only meat; others would consider it a perfect reason to begin eating only meat. this diet is safe and fine but I think you might be

shocked when you see what it’s done to Kelly Hogan. there are many doctors and dietitians and nutritionists out there all around the world warning people not to eat a carnivore diet warning.Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1

You can’t do that because this is potentially very dangerous for them, and so I just wanted to Bring Kelly Hogan, my friend, on, and I’ll show you what the carnivore diet for the last 13 years has done to her.

Some of you may be disturbed by how she appears now; some may be triggered; and some may be pleased with what this meat-only diet has done to her. Kelly Hogan, so let me see if I can get her up now. there she is…Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1

Kelly Hogans arrives.Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1

Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1

 oh my gosh dr barry you told me seven o’clock eastern time Another one, please forgive me. I am terrible with time. I forgive you. But thank goodness I was dressed; I just put food on the table for the kids. I was like, “Gotta go.” I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll pay you back. Please forgive me.

Some people were worried about your health right now. You must have colon cancer and heart disease and probably type 2 diabetes, and you know you certainly should be severely obese because everyone knows meat makes you fat, so this is my good friend. Kelly Hogan. if you guys don’t know her and follow her you need to check her out I’ve got all her links down in the show notes kelly tell us the story about the concerning way that you were advised to start eating only meat and the reason you’ve why did you start that what was wrong why did you think that crazy diet would help you?

why Kelly started this crazy diet-the carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1

CARNIVORE DIET Kelly Hogans interview part 1
CARNIVORE DIET Kelly Hogans interview part 1

And what has been the result over the last 13 years?

Well, I really didn’t think it would help me as a matter of fact but when I first went to my doctor oh my gosh I’ve been there so many times he was a family physician named dr benjamin Dunlap he is now almost 90 years old and still in good health by the way but um 17 years ago I went to him to have another boil so I was getting boils on my legs my thighs my bottom it was terrible and I would have to go to him to have them drained and packed it was awful

for people who are severely obese and to have just chronic recurrent boils under theories, okay, I’m going to show some before pictures of Kelly, and it’s quite common for severely obese people to have just chronic recurrent boils under their skin.

armpits and they’re sprouting under their breasts and anywhere else there’s skin. It’s very common to have these boils, so keep going, Kelly. sorry to interrupt

Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1

 oh it’s okay so I went to him to have yet another one lance and I would sometimes I had one on my leg that was so bad that the day that photo was taken I was at school by the way I don’t normally walk around with a puppet but I was leading battle school and I could barely get up on the

stage because I had cellulitis and a big patch around one of these boils, and it was hard to even get up the steps, and I went to him again, and he remarked, “Miss Hogan, we’re just going to keep doing this till one of us does it or until you lose a hundred pounds, and what about this picture, Kelly?” What’s the story of this picture? I was at the house that day, and I just remember feeling cute that day, but I don’t still have a ton of photos because a lot of times when I would get pictures back, I was embarrassed and I would get rid of them.Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1

They and I didn’t pose for many photos together, but on that particular day, I was just with some friends and had a photo taken, but that last photo with the puppet was so memorable because I had just come from the doctor, and he had told me you’ve got to lose 100 pounds, and that was the day I cried, and he said, and I said, and I don’t know how I’ve tried; I’ve tried eating less and exercising more.

CARNIVORE DIET Kelly Hogans interview part 1

Do you know roughly what you weighed in this picture?

 thank you 260 pounds was the highest level; there was level 262. 

and you’re how tall um five eight and a half almost five nine okay yeah so I mean I was a pretty big girl that’s it’s overweight um

and I felt lousy back then it wasn’t just the boils but I just didn’t I didn’t feel good and so that

particular night I hobbled up on stage and I thought about what the doctor had said and he had said to me it’s the carbs well this was 2004 and my response was I’ve heard of carbs but I’m not 

sure what that meant, and so he explained, and I said, “Well, what can I eat?” because he listed so many things that I had been eating and he said no cereal and pasta. I thought cereal was like the way I had eaten so much cereal. Because it was fat-free, you drank skim milk like a good girl and couldn’t figure out why I was still so overweight. He said you can eat all the meat you want, and when I asked how many calories there were, he said, “I don’t care.”

Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1

only eat meat Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1

CARNIVORE DIET Kelly Hogans interview part 1

don’t care and he said I also don’t care if it’s your birthday just eat meat you can eat dairy he did say I could have diet soda and he said if I wanted leafy greens or pickles or cucumbers he said

It won’t kill you, right? Well, I’ve never been much of a “leafy green” kind of girl, so I did not lean on the leafy greens, but I like steaks, like ribs and chicken wings, and you know I started listing off all the really good ones: “Yes, yes, I                                                                                                                       have it all.”

 So I thought it was kind of nuts the first time I heard it too, and I called my dad on the way home and said, “Wait a minute; I forgot to ask him: Are potatoes carbs?” And my dad was like, “Yes, dear, yes, they are.”

and I think I find it ironically hilarious that his name was Dunlap

Dunlap yeah yeah that’s what we do when we say somebody’s done suffering from

Dunlap, that means their belly has lipped over their belt, and, uh, so you started this because you were obese and had recurring boils? In very uncomfortable places, you have recurrent bouts of cellulitis, yeah, and you say, “Okay, fine, I’ve tried everything else.”

watch full interview here:

Carnivore diet Kelly Hogans interview part 1

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