Congratulations on starting Invisalign!In this video, Diamond Braces Registered Dental Hygienist Iryna explains how to download the Invisalign app, and how to monitor your progress with ClinCheck during your treatment with Diamond Braces.Invisalign uses premier technology to straighten your teeth and create a beautiful smile – including using your mobile phone to help you monitor your progress and communicate with Invisalign!This app will provide resources and support throughout your treatment, including cleaning tips, progress monitoring, and more. ClinCheck is a 3D-modeling tool that Invisalign uses to predict tooth movement using the Invisalign clear aligners; you can use the Invisalign app to monitor your progress with ClinCheck.When you begin your Invisalign treatment with Diamond Braces and get your attachments and first set of aligners, you’ll also get an emailing inviting you to registered with the Invisalign app. Watch the video to see how to open ClinCheck and see the amazing results your Invisalign treatment can create!Get more Invisalign tips on our website: the full Invisalign guide: to Clean Your Invisalign Aligners: